I am here introducing to my beloved readers “Shubhramita Chakraborty” author of “Raindrops” a perfect composition of heartfelt poems.

Lets see what interesting things “Shubramita Chakraborty” to share on her work and to her beloved readers.

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
About myself, I completed my Master Degree in English literature in 2011. I am an Asst. Teacher of a Govt.Sponsored High School under Govt.of West Bengal. At my school, I am not only a dedicated teacher to my students but their friend and facilitator as well. At home, I am a loving and caring mother of my one-year old daughter who is full of life and cuteness.
Why do you write? What keeps you motivated?
I write out of intense passion for nature, the living creatures of nature including its diversified flora and fauna and mostly life itself. I have been writing since my childhood and as long as I live I want to see myself as an acclaimed and renowned writer with a compassionate heart and love for every human being.
When I pass away, I want to leave behind a good number of meaningful works for young as well as old generation who would find a shelter of their bereaved emotions in my poems and writings. After my death I want my nation to keep my memories engraved in the pages of history through my writings.Everything around me, from a green leaf of the tree beside my house to the unseen bird flying high in the sky, keeps me motivated. Travelling too motivates me to write.
Do your take extra care while considering a book cover ? Is is really
needed to get book cover designed?
Not really. I believe a good book does not need a flashy cover. Content of the book is much more important than its cover.
How many hours a day to you devote to writing? Do you have any writing rituals?
I try to spend at least an hour daily in writing but tough schedule at home does not permit it. I have to devote time to my daughter. I take some meaningful time out of my working hours and write during my off classes at my school. I have no writing rituals. I write whenever I am free.
In your view, what is an ideal poem should contain?
I have read poems from metaphysical poets like Andrew Marvell,romantic poet like William Wordsworth,John Keats and PB Shelley, and modern poets like TS Eliot and Ezra Pound. To me there is no particular notion of an ideal poem. A poem that touches my soul and leaves behind a deep impact through its underlying message is an ideal poem to me.
What is your favorite style or form of poetry to read, and why?
I love reading poems based on nature. I also like reading war poems and poems of romantic age.
Name the best poem you are most proud of writing in “Raindrops” , the ones that you personally cannot forget?
I love every poem from my book ‘Raindrops’. Every one is unique.Still as you are asking 9am to choose, I would like to mention Sahara, The Pink Star, The Rose Krishna,and The White Desert among note-worthy ones.
What types of poems do you find yourself writing most ?
I tend to write most nature based and astronomical poems, where the planets and stars are attributed some living qualities. Life outside our Earth fascinates me the most and right there begins my imagination.
What secret talents do you have?
I have no secret talent. Apart from writing I love singing and painting.
Where can we stalk you ? How frequently you blog ?
I have no blog yet. You can find me in Facebook, Suvramita Chakraborty, but I share posts only with my friends and do not include any unknown people.

Once again I should express my gratitude to “Literoma Publishing Services” team for a wonderful opportunity and special thanks to “Suvramita Chakraborty’ for her time and patience in answering my questions.
Kiran K Adharapuram