Meet the Authors

Author Interview || Sucharita Parija

Who is Sucharita Parija..!!

Sucharita Parija hails from Odisha’s Silver and Millennium City, Cuttack, and graduated in Architecture. She was born into a family of academicians. Her father was a pediatrician, and her mother was a faculty of Physics. Let’s dive into an ingenious jabbering talk with Mrs. Sucharita Parija..!!

She quit her first job to complete a Masters in Computer Applications (MCA) from IGNOU and emerged with flying colors. She is a gold medalist in post-graduation studies and is the recipient of the prestigious Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia (CEMCA) award as well. She taught in several Educational Institutes before she ventured into a new field. She was passionate about writing from her school days. She has contributed poems and articles in English, Odia, and Sanskrit to numerous magazines.

She created her website: during the pandemic days. She continues with her mission of writing about everyday problems through her poems, quotes, and stories. The themes of her literary works are drawn from her life experiences. She identifies her compositions as falling in the abstract genre. Sucharita resides in the national capital New Delhi with her husband and daughter.

Sucharita Parija’s Notable Poetic Works along publishing timelines:


My guest on the blog today is Sucharita Parija, a well-known poet, occasional blogger, Columnist, and Published Author. With so much to resonate with her thoughts and creativity, she started her website as a medium to share her thoughts, especially during the pandemic.

She strongly believes emotional denunciation is only through poetry. All three poetic books are very much centric on inner happiness, loneliness, insecurities, mental disturbances, criticism, failures, rejections, and so on. To explore more of my author interview series visit the “Meet The Authors” Section of my blog.

Let’s dive into an ingenious jabbering talk with Mrs. Sucharita Parija..!!

Sucharita Parija: I have always been an enthusiastic reader, and this trait has stayed with me till now. I used to read more non-textbooks than textbooks during my school and college days. Buying books was my favorite pastime, especially during my teenage years. I owe this habit to my parents, and especially my mom, who always gifted me books instead of a box of chocolates on my birthdays.”

“I wrote poems and short stories while I was in school and college, but I haven’t written anything since then. Writing for others to read was never my main focus. I always wanted to work in my field of study and achieve success through hard work, consistency, and passion.”

During the COVID-19 pandemic, I was isolated at home without deadlines or connections to the outside world. This led me to discover my passion for writing, which had been buried deep within me. Writing became a stepping stone into the world of creativity for me. I have always found it easy to express my emotions when I put them down on paper, and I strongly believe in the divine power.

“My writing has been a way for me to express the suppressed good and bitter feelings I have held onto for years. The poems I write are not just words, but a part of my loving heart that has been holding onto multiple emotions for years.

Sucharita Parija: Embarking on a new journey can be daunting, regardless of whether it involves moving to a new country, enrolling in a new school, learning a new language, trying out a new recipe, or anything else. Stepping out of our comfort zones and venturing into the unknown can be challenging.

However, if we don’t take the leap and push ourselves beyond our limits, we may never discover our true potential or uncover our inner strength. We can reveal our capabilities to ourselves and the world by facing challenges and overcoming obstacles. The ultimate goal of one’s journey can only be achieved by exploring new paths in life. This is why every human being is born on this planet – to discover life’s purpose and learn from life’s journey.

Sucharita Parija: One of the most common misconceptions I have encountered about poets is that they are not normal human beings but rather eccentric. However, the truth is that anyone can write poetry. Writing crime fiction, romance, or political themes requires less creativity and skills. Unfortunately, poets and poetry are not as famous as they used to be and are often ignored by modern readers.

Poets are versatile in their work and can include multiple themes in one poem, such as satire, romance, crime, or horror. Poetry is magical because poets can write just a few words to complete a plot or scene. They convey that “less is powerful and impactful” to the readers. Readers must have creative minds to fully appreciate the poet’s emotions.

Q. Can you give any advice to someone wanting to write and publish poetry?

Sucharita Parija: My first advice for anyone who wants to start writing is to read books of any genre. Whenever a thought pops up, jot it down on paper or record it on your mobile device. It’s essential to be consistent in writing one or two lines daily. Keep writing consistently to improve your writing skills without too much effort. If one has read five books attentively, one can pen down one line or paragraph without pausing. So, be a reader before becoming a writer.

Publishing a book can be challenging, especially if one chooses traditional publishing. It requires time, patience, and energy. However, self-publishing has made the process easier.

Sucharita Parija: Modern poetry is not bound by strict rhythms, rhymes, or lines. Unlike ancient poetry, anyone can write modern poetry, a boon for new writers attempting to compose their lines as free verses. Contemporary poetry deals with emotions, people, and situations, while ancient poetry focuses on religious stories and prayers. Although ancient poetry is timeless, modern poetry is more accessible.

Q. What is Protest Poetry, do you feel this type of poetry has the power to ignite the minds towards liberation and revolt?

Sucharita Parija: Protest poetry highlights and reflects upon prevailing problems in current events, circumstances, or issues. The age-old proverb “The pen is mightier than the sword” still holds today, as words can influence people’s minds and actions without being loud. They can change people’s perspectives more effectively than hate speeches and inspire them to work toward liberation. So, protest poetry can be one of the potent tools to ignite people’s minds for the betterment of society.

Sucharita Parija: “Nature” and, to some extent “, Dreams” are versatile poetic themes for me. They are my all-time favorite ones. I am greatly influenced by “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost and “Caged Bird” by Maya Angelou. Some famous Odia poets and Basho, the Haiku master, are my source of inspiration.

Sucharita Parija: Odia, being my mother tongue and the medium of instruction in school, has not restricted me from writing in English, which I am more comfortable with nowadays. I will skip this topic for now.

Sucharita Parija: Romantic poems often rely on imagination to create a vivid and dynamic experience for the reader. The poet’s mind is free to explore and wander, much like a bird in flight. Literary devices such as metaphors and similes are often used to enhance the imaginative quality of the poem and make it more engaging for the reader. Imagination is the magical wand every poet owns, and that makes all the difference to a relevant poem.

I find deep inspiration in my surroundings and daily activities, often leading me to write poetry. Some of my poem titles include “Palm Tree,” “Siren,” “Rotis,” “Nature,”, “Cup of Tea,” “Raindrops,” and “Wildflower.” To write my poetry, I immerse myself in a particular situation and draw out the feelings that I experience, which ultimately become the basis for my work.

My third book, “Ayanam“, was released in January 2024, and I am currently marketing it. I am also researching for my next book and contributing articles to other projects.

Sucharita Parija: Usually, a theme or a phrase initiates me to compose new poems. Otherwise, I will pen down my thoughts if someone requests that I write about a particular theme or situation. My poems are a combination of images, objects, places, or happenings.

Sucharita Parija: My poems reflect everyone’s deepest emotions. Although they may be my creations, they depict the raw feelings of both men and women. The struggles portrayed in my poetry are common issues faced by many. I hope readers will find motivation in reading my poems and persevere through difficult times, just as I constantly motivate myself to rise above my struggles and pain.

Sucharita Parija: I admire the works of Rumi, Robert Frost, and Maya Angelou for their diverse literature. I am exploring the art of Haiku poetry for the first time, and I find the works of Matsuo Basho, a Japanese poet, quite inspiring. Haikus are a brilliant form of poetry, and Basho has popularized this art for poetry enthusiasts.

I look up to Maya Angelou for her ability to ignite minds and spread fire through her thought-provoking emotions. Rumi, the Persian poet, epitomizes simplicity through his words and soul connections. Some of my works have been influenced by Rumi’s quotes and poems. Robert Frost, an American poet, is my all-time favorite poet for his tone, poetic usage, and observant nature.

Q. What were some of the initial obstacles you faced when starting your career as a poet, and how did you overcome them?

Sucharita Parija: “As a poet and writer, I have faced the challenge of marketing my books and reaching the right readers. This has been the most significant obstacle to my success. Other problems I have faced are not being active on social media and not attending author events. Although I haven’t experienced writer’s block, I often feel demotivated to write even a single line.

Q. How has poetry shaped your understanding of yourself and the world around you?

Sucharita Parija: Poetry has had a profound impact on me. It has made me more perceptive, allowing me to capture even the subtlest emotions without any pretense, which has been a great blessing. Since I started writing, I have been able to express my feelings freely and effortlessly on paper.

This has helped me break free from the deepest, darkest recesses of my mind, where I once felt trapped. Poetry has enabled me to identify my inner struggles quickly and overcome my inhibitions. It has become my trusted confidant and a loyal friend who will stand by me through thick and thin.

Sucharita Parija:
Merak and Estrenar are both poetry books filled with strong emotions.

Estrenar” is a book divided into two parts. The first part is about life, women, and their struggles. It discusses inner turmoil, motivation, and dealing with depression. The book also touches upon some common dilemmas people face daily, which are depicted through soulful verses.

The second part of the book mixes ideas. It includes a satire about flatbreads not being round-shaped today by a woman and the difficulties that a middle-aged woman faces with weight gain.

The second book, titled “Merak“, means “Bliss” in Serbian and “Happiness” in Turkish. It is a short collection of poetry containing only 21 poems. There is a slight shift in theme from the poet’s first book and a distinct change in the poet’s mood and style. The topics covered in this book vary from happiness, nature, blessings, and bliss to God’s voice, self-inspiration, self-belief, and the hidden scars that women often conceal behind their masks.

Q. Do you enjoy promoting your books and meeting your readers?

Sucharita Parija: Yes, I love promoting books. I have done so at the World Book Fair in 2023 and 2024, where I met authors and readers. I will be doing more interactions in the future. The biggest challenge for published books is making them visible to the world. Finding publishers was easy as they approached me for publication.

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Kiran K Adharapuram

An ecstatic techie with 12+ years of experience currently outperforming as “IT DB Consultant” in one of the leading top-notch IT companies. With ample technological knowledge expertise and decent IT certifications under my belt plus impactful mastery of database knowledge of market-led providers

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