Book Erudition..!!
Title: Baby Steps To Big Dreams
[Essential Conversations For Modern Parents]
Author: Dr. Manjula Pooja Shroff
Pages: 248
Genre: Self-Help
Publication date: 22 August 2023
Publishers: Vitasta Publishing Private Limited
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
About Author..!!
Dr. Manjula Pooja Shroff, A pioneering visionary, edupreneur Dr. Manjula Pooja Shroff, MD & CEO of the Kalorex group, is a name synonymous with education in India. She has influenced the lives of more than 65,000 students over the past decades. Driven by a passion for excellence, she has dedicated her entire life to the empowerment of students and the advancement of education.

The CEO of Kalorex group : Dr. Manjula Pooja Shroff is an Edupreneur, Vlogger, Achiever and Podcaster of her own kind who inspires many. Being inspired by the foundational pillars of education and the strong roots of entrepreneurship she has been instrumental in founding and managing several premier schools.Through SHROFFism she provides 360 degrees understanding for leading a centered life by balancing the Mental, Physical & Spiritual dimensions.
Book Description..!!
Did you know, accurate reasoning and logical conversations work wonders for the psychological development of children? The art of parenting requires patience, a little bit of jockeying, tactfulness, switching between roles and many more skills that vary based on the unique qualities and characteristics of each child. By engaging in meaningful and open dialogues with children, parents provide a nurturing environment that promotes growth, learning, and emotional well-being.

This book on parenting conversations is intended to act as a reference tool for parents, to make them better equipped to navigate the developmental years of their children from birth to teenage years. The hope and aim is to endow you with processes and methods to achieve what we all strive to do – protect our children’s childhood and help them grow into confident and mature young adults with self-esteem.
Book Prelude..!!
A one-stop cognitive guide to cater to the needs of modern parents. Dr. Manjula presents much-needed parenting advice, tips, and tricks for new-age parents. She further emphasizes the demand for the social and emotional well-being of kids and to attune the challenges to cater for the insightful development journey.
My Nuances..!!
From the phase of foetus till adolescence, the author provided a hand-held guide detailing minuscule aspects, bits and pieces of parental detailing to help the new parent or to-be parent with laudable advice. She also breaks myths of the common parenting concerns and is successful in shattering the accentuates of intuitive child demands plus deep-rooted fears.

Book Endeavor..!!
Suppose you are an expecting parent or early parent who is ambitious to make your concoct with your loved ones from Day Zero till teenage. In that case, this is a must-own book, thanks to Dr. Manjula’s in-depth analysis and research along with the leading child psychologists in bringing up this handout dealing the life needs of every child. Not to miss mentioning the activities, Practice Q&A, and case study in aiding the context of every chapter as an epilogue.
My Grasp..!!
With the illustrations, examples, exercises and practice sessions presented in the book, this work is not only a unique of this kind but also a rule book to Savor the joy of parenting. Dr. Manjula terms aspects like communication, engagement, negotiation, fear, guilt, discipline, and so on as key factors as a strategic focus that every child needs to deal with, through this book, she directs the parents with the guidance knack to handle and she provides ample directives as per the toddler demands.

Book Accolades..!!
My favourite topic in the book is “Pre-Teen Talk“, where the author provides ample examples that help in dealing with the plausible aspects that typically carve the mindset of adolescence and I am very much pleased with her motifs on icebreaking, digital addictions, trust-building, safe-internet and so on.
Links & FootNote..!!
My Handle: Kiran_Kumar_Adharapuram
Author Handle: Dr. Manjula Pooja Shroff
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