Book Ingredients
Title: Yummy Life On Plate Season 2
Compiled By: Samata Dey Bose
Language : English
Genre: Food, Drink & Entertaining
Encomium: #1Best Seller in Food, Drink & Entertaining
Book Viands
India is a nation where people not just love their food, but also love serving home-cooked foods to their friends, relatives, and guests. There is a reason always to make delicious, yummy food at home. Indiacafe24 took the initiative to come up with season 2 of yummy life on Plate to again bring the limelight home chefs from different parts of India under one roof. We have 28 chefs from different parts of India and 50 recipes from their kitchens.

‘Chef de Cuisine‘
Samata Dey Bose, compiler of the book is the founder of the entertainment E-portal She is an ex-banker with one of the prestigious private sector banks of India. The urge to do something different encouraged her to quit her successful career as a banker, and she stepped into the world of content development. She is now a freelance content developer, book reviewer, author, poet, blogger, online interviewer, Vedic astrologer, and passionate photographer. She compiles books under her banner Indiacafe24 and has been a part of different anthologies.
Something about ‘India Café 24’
India Café 24 has been designed to keep you informed and entertained. That is why it features sections ranging from entertainment and fashion to book reviews, health and food, and even poetry. We use the most professional and experienced writers to keep you updated about the latest happenings in diverse areas so that you get the most accurate information in an easy-to-understand language. All our posts are checked for authenticity and originality before being uploaded on the website so that you do not end up reading just another copy of what you might have already gone through.
My Initial Impression
I still remember the quote by of the all-time dignitaries: Malcolm S. Forbes – American entrepreneur and politician most prominently known as the publisher of Forbes magazine,
“Food may be essential as fuel for the body, but good. food is fuel for the soul.”
Way back we used to call it a food staple, food that makes up the dominant part of a population’s diet. Food is essentially taken in the regular intervals as a source of energy and to meet the daily nutrition needs and to foregather metabolism and energy. However, in current times, we included the various additive aspects like colorful presentation, exotic blends, multi-cuisine menu blah blah blah.
However, it is proven and undoubtedly food recipes from the South-Asian are always special and rich in spices, herbs, aromatic plus diet friendly. Indian sub-continent plays an indispensable role when it comes to food varieties and diversification. As world-aware Indian food brings in unique savors and styles, rich in spices, flavorings, and seasonings. Along those lines presenting you this best-sold “Yummy Life On Plate- Season 2“.
What to expect from “Yummy Life On Plate- Season 2“

A unique cookbook of 28 outstanding home chefs spread across the length and breadth of all the states in India. Notably, all the contributors are much successful in their respective areas of expertise and the dishes are exceptional and distinct. This book brings in 50 recipes’ that are spread across the sections of “Snacks”, “Rice/Bread/Pulav/Puri”, “Main Course”, “Desserts” and “Others”.
All the presented delicacies are easy to make and delectable as well. Being a foodie, I followed a few recipes to prepare and it turned out to be relishing. Every recipe handout comes with a detailed ingredient list, aesthetic picture of dishes, minuscule description, directions to prepare, time to prepare, and serving count plus the Nutritional value.
This book turns out to be an efficient handout for both beginners and experienced cooks. Special mention to “Kajjikayalu: Hyderabadi Halwa Puri”, a recipe by Dr. Romila Chitturi, “Multigrain Veg Sandwich” by “Rakhi Jayashankar” and “Cauliflower Paratha” by Nidhi Trivedi.
A wholesome collection of nicely presented recipes representing cultures of different Indian states neatly presented with appealing pictures and attractive presentation plus detailing stands unique among many cuisine books available in the market and is an undoubted best-seller. Like other readers, I am also on the list of readers awaiting the “Yummy Life on Plate Season 3“
Links & FootNote
Book Link: Yummy Life On Plate- Season 2“
Compiler: Samata Dey Bose
An Initiative by: India Café 24
You can also explore my reviews -> Here
This is my first & unique attempt to review an out-and-out food recipe book. I sincerely anticipate your honest feedback to improvise myself in this peculiar genre of reading. Do comment with your thoughts and inputs which will be a good source of betterment towards my content.
It’s amazing.