Revenge Porn:
One of the recent buzz words which I researched, revenge porn aka revenge pornography(‘sextortion’) is the distribution of sexually explicit images or videos, without consent of the individuals depicted. Revenge porn is often used as a means to blackmail individuals into performing sex acts or continue a relationship-or just as a means to harm a person’s reputation.The term “revenge porn” generally refers to the uploading of this sexually explicit material to humiliate and intimidate the subject, who has broken off the relationship.The term is also often misused to describe non ‘revenge’ scenarios, including non-consensual pornography distributed by hackers or by individuals seeking profit or notoriety.The images are generally accompanied by sufficient information to identify the pictured individual, typically names and locations, and can include links to social media profiles, home addresses and workplaces. Victims, whose images expose them to workplace discrimination, cyber-stalking or physical attack, can have their lives ruined as a result. Given the practice by some companies of searching for potential sources of bad publicity, many victims of revenge porn have lost their jobs and found themselves effectively undesirable. Some academicians argue that the term “revenge porn” should not be used, and instead that it should be referred to as “image based sexual abuse”.
Source: WikipediaEntire world is a victim of this evil, Measures have been taken against revenge porn globally. Social media sites like Facebook have started to take actions to proactively detect and stop the spread of revenge porn. Legislation has also been proposed to criminalize the posting of nude pictures without the consent of the individuals depicted. Sites dedicated to the posting of revenge porn have been shut down and there is a growing awareness and movement to stop the spread of revenge porn.In the recent years, Many criminal prosecutions have been on trial in this regard, also several well-known revenge porn Websites have been brought down in response to actual or threatened legal action, but this is just like a mushroom farming everyday new pops up when we shut the other. Strict rules are framed in almost all the states of America.
“Enough” Act for judicial is also being made available:
Jurisdictions which have passed laws against revenge porn include Israel, Germany, the United Kingdom, thirty-four states of the United States,and the Australian states of Victoria, New South Wales, the Australian Capital Territory and South Australia, few developing countries joined hands to bring in their legislative law.
With the motive of shutting down all those crime feeders , its our duty to educate our women to stay cautious and avoid falling prey to such practices. We never know when these pictures end up flashing on those platforms,
Few to highlight:
1. Blac Chyna in LA
2. Pentagon military revenge porn problem
3. YouTube singer Chrissy Chambers
Also to appreciate one of my recent acquaintances “Taanya Sarma” who is doing exemplary work in this area. Fortunate to know her work from her interviews and her book “The WildCat” (Nominated for the NY Literary Magazine ‘Best Story Award) in which taanya explains the complete attack process and to be bold to get this sorted our to get the culprits being the bars.
DARIETH, Founder, Creator, Director and Executive Producer of 50shadesofsilence is also one of the survivors of revenge porn, cyber sexual stalking, harassment, and extortion strongly believes “WE CAN END THE SILENCE AND SHAME THROUGH OUR UNITED VOICES AND COMMITTED ACTIONS” and to help victims through her organisation.
PS: This article may serve as awareness for most of us out there, not to fall to this “Honey Trap” and be the eye opener to voice out in respective channels(if so). All the credits have been acknowledged. Apologies for the copyright content(if any).
Kiran K Adharapuram
I am a 58 year old man , when I was 52. I was blackmailed into doing some pictures. When I got away from her , she told me . By the time she is done with me , I will commit suicide. They have terrorized me for at least six years. I deleted my pictures the next day. But the whole town has seen them. I cannot leave my house without somebody following me and harassing me . I have had so many threats on my life and safety. I am disabled. They have even filed false police reports on me . I believe they are impersonating me. And sending my pics around in my name . Crazy world.